Microsoft re-imagines holiday memories from around the globe using the magic of AI.

Holiday Wishes
McCann New York
The holidays are a collective moment in time to express wishes for the future. Wishes are the one thing that unites all our holidays from Diwali to Christmas to Lunar New Year. Holiday cards are a go-to vehicle for that expression.
By amplifying their magic and creativity, we saw an opportunity to amplify those wishes for people around the world using the Microsoft Designer AI tool.
We invited Ellie Pritts, a renowned digital artist, to go to the streets of New York City to use AI to transform people’s holiday wishes into masterpieces.
CCO & ECD Global Brands NA: Sean Bryan
CCO & ECD Global Brands, NY: Shayne Millington
EVP ECD: Cristina Reina & Pete Johnson
GCD: Lucas Casão & Guilherme Rácz
ACD: Camilla Ciappina & Daniel Trimarchi
EVP, Head of Design: Matthew van Leeuwen
Design Director: Mook Phoungbut
SVP, Executive Producer: Stacy Flaum
Director: Andree Ljutica
Line Producer: Kim Anderson
Photographer: Malik Dupree
SVP, Executive Account Director: Socrates Papazoglou
VP, Account Director: Hugh Simpson
Account Director: Marguerite Daly
Music: JSM